Project name:

Lost and Found

Project description:

Tough, but charming Bart Conners seeks justice for his clients, all the while trying to make sense of life’s foibles in general and his own dysfunctional life in particular. Conners is a private eye living in southern California in the 1950s. His sentimental nature is alluring to the women he meets, but his six foot two frame and rough-and-tumble background make him deadly to his adversaries. The three fast-paced cases of love, deceit, and intrigue make this trilogy of hard-boiled detective stories an engrossing read that is hard to put down. Each story is a well-researched period piece that will have you reminiscing about Barbasol, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Howdy Doody and the other cultural icons of that era. If you miss Spencer or Jessie Stone, then Bart Conners, who was born of that great tradition, should happily help you fill that void.

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